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Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]
Schema reg_profile does not exist! [struct 2024-07-08] [Search.php:91]


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Need to add spectrum authority to database Song 2019/03/25 10:31

National Policy


In Colombia, Law 1341 of 2009 has opened the entry of new actors for the provision of telecommunications services, which could be small operators or large operators, for profit or non-profit.

Colombia has been exploring the possibility of accommodating community operators in rural or difficult-to-access areas for the deployment of land mobile services (broadband) and is still in the study stage.

According to information obtained by the Ministry of ICT and the National Spectrum Agency (ANE), pilot tests are intended to define technical, economic and social feasibility, to establish new regulatory measures. In addition to this exploration, there are community television and broadcasting licenses for which special price conditions and obligations have been determined.

Resolution 461 of 2017, issued by the ANE, mentions the technical and operative conditions for the operation of blank space devices in the band 470 MHz to 698 MHz in the “free use” modality, which does not require payments for the use of the radioelectric spectrum.

Additionally, Resolution 711 of 2016 significantly expanded the spectrum destined for free use, with which it hopes to guarantee the possibility that connectivity technologies at reasonable costs reach low-income populations.

Resolution 1824 was published in 2018, establishing mechanisms for the light assignment of spectrum specifically in band E, in order to facilitate the deployment of broadband services in rural and remote areas.

This band constitutes an adequate technical solution to respond to the high demand of broadband spectrum for the provision of services, due to the fact that it presents a very low probability of interference between links; providing high data transmission capacities for the deployment of network links (backhaul) and last mile radio links, in addition to the easy installation of equipment, the bandwidths that use 250MHz base channelization plans and the high performance levels (throughput) that can be reached per channel.

The Ministry of ICT may establish discounts on the consideration for the use of the radio spectrum in cases where the sole purpose is the development of social telecommunications programs or projects.

Operator Licensing

Technical and Administrative Requirements

Licensing Fees

Access to Spectrum

Technical and Administrative Requirements


Access Networks
Operator 800MHz 900MHz 1800MHz 2100MHz 2600MHz 3500MHz
XYZcom None 2×10 2×15 2×10 None None
PtP Networks


Access Networks
Frequency Power Limit Transmit Power
2400 – 2483.5 MHz 2.4EIRP
5150-5250 MHz 5.1EIRP
5250-5350 MHz 5.2EIRP
5470-5725 MHz 5.4EIRP
5725-5800 MHz 5.8EIRP
PtP Networks
Frequency Power Limit Transmit Power
2400 – 2483.5 MHz 2.4EIRP
5150-5250 MHz 5.1EIRP
5250-5350 MHz 5.2EIRP
5470-5725 MHz 5.4EIRP
5725-5800 MHz 5.8EIRP

Secondary Use

Access Networks
PtP Networks

Spectrum Fees / Costs






Universal Service


Resources / References

Coding examples

This could be used to frame specific questions that should be asked

<callout type=“tip” icon=“true”>This could be for hints / tips / tricks on finding information, what to look for etc.</callout> <callout type=“question” icon=“true”>A question</callout> <callout type=“success” icon=“true”>A good practice example might look like this</callout> <callout type=“danger” icon=“true”>A bad practice to be aware of might look like this</callout>

country-profiles/colombia.1556656639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/30 17:37
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