Public Consultations and Workshops

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Contributions to Public Consultations

Below there is a compendium of contributions related to community networks. from civil society organizations to different calls from different public bodies around the world for public comments.


  • ISOC Brasil, IBEBrasil, Intervozes - Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Rhizomatica Communications, Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad, A.C., Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC), Instituto Nupef and Coalizão Direitos na Rede (CDR) response to Anatel's Public Consultation N65 on the Simplification of the Regulation of Telecommunication Services. 16 November 2020. Download Letter of Support Download contribution.







  • Telecomunicaciones Indígenas Comunitarias, A. C. submitted comments to the “Consulta Pública sobre el Proyecto de Bases de Licitación Pública para concesionar el uso, aprovechamiento y explotación comercial de segmentos de espectro radioeléctrico disponibles en las Bandas de Frecuencias 814-824 / 859-869 MHz, 1755-1760 / 2155-2160 MHz, 1910-1915 / 1990-1995 MHz y 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 MHz para la prestación de servicios de Acceso Inalámbrico (Licitación No. IFT-10) . October 2020. Download Contribution (Spanish)


  • CITAD's and APC's Submission to the Nigerian Communications Commission on 3.5GHz Auction. October 2021. Download Contribution .
  • APC's Submission to the Nigerian Communications Commission on the second 3.5GHz Auction. November 2022. Download Contribution .


South Africa

  • Multistakeholder Response to the Second Information Memorandum on the Licensing Process for International Mobile Telecommunications in Respect of the Provision of Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services for Urban and Rural Areas Using the Complementary Bands,IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600 And IMT3500, for Public Consultation. November 2021. Download Contribution .
  • Multistakeholder Response to the Information Memorandum Regarding ICASA’s Intentions to Initiate the Second Phase of the Licensing Process and to make available Radio Frequency Spectrum to Prospective Licensees to Provide Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services in the Low and Mid Radio Frequency Bands. September 2022. Download submission




public-consultation/start.1705683889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/19 13:04
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