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-====== Contributions to Public Consultations ====== +====== Public Consultations and Workshops ======
-^  [[country-profiles:start|Country Profiles]]  ^  *  ^  [[good-practice:start|Good Practice]]  ^ *  ^  [[public-consultation:start|National Consultations]]  ^  *  ^  [[international-organisations:start|International Orgs]]  ^  *  ^  [[other:start|Other]]  ^+
-Below there is a compendium of contributions related to community networks. from civil society organizations to different calls from different public bodies around the world for public comments+Below is a compendium of contributions civil society organizations to different calls from various public bodies around the world for public on policy and regulatory issues related to community-centred connectivity providers as well as workshops on policy and regulation.
 +===== Brazil =====
 +^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^
 +| Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) | Public Consultation N65 on the Simplification of the Regulation of Telecommunication Services | ISOC Brasil, IBEBrasil, Intervozes - Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Rhizomatica Communications, Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad, A.C., Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC), Instituto Nupef and Coalizão Direitos na Rede (CDR)  | 16 Nov 2020 | {{ :public-consultation:carta_de_apoio_a_cp65-2020.pdf | Download Letter of Support }} and   {{ :public-consultation:propostas_cp_65-2020.pdf | Download}} |
 +===== Canada =====
-===== Brazil =====+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) | Technical and Policy Framework for White Space Devices, SMSE-018-17 | Internet Society (ISOC) and Association for Progressive Communications (APC) |15 Feb 2018 | {{ :public-consultation:isoc_apc_ised_submission_on_tvws-1_2018-02-15.pdf | Download }} | 
 +| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) | New Access Licensing Framework, Changes to Subordinate Licensing and White Space to Support Rural and Remote Deployment | Mozilla and Internet Society |26 Oct 2021 |  {{ :public-consultation:2021-10-26_submission-mozilla-isoc-spectrum_final.pdf | Download}}| 
 +| Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) | Non-Competitive Local Licensing Framework, Including Spectrum in the 3900-3980 MHz Band and Portions of the 26, 28 and 38 GHz Bands | Mozilla, Internet Society, and Connect Humanity |14 Nov 2022 | {{ :public-consultation:2021-10-26_submission-mozilla-isoc-spectrum_final.pdf| Download}} |
-  * ISOC Brasil, IBEBrasil, Intervozes - Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Rhizomatica Communications, Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad, A.C., Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC), Instituto Nupef and Coalizão Direitos na Rede (CDR) response to Anatel's Public Consultation N65 on the Simplification of the Regulation of Telecommunication Services. 16 November 2020. {{ :public-consultation:carta_de_apoio_a_cp65-2020.pdf | Download Letter of Support }} {{ :public-consultation:propostas_cp_65-2020.pdf | Download contribution}}.  
-===== Canada ===== 
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/sites/default/files/ISOC_APC_ISED_Submission_on_TVWS-1_2018-02-15_1.pdf | Internet Society (ISOC) and Association for Progressive Communications (APC)Response to Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s (ISED)Consultation on the Technical and Policy Framework for White Space Devices, SMSE-018-17]]. 15 February 2018. {{ :public-consultation:isoc_apc_ised_submission_on_tvws-1_2018-02-15.pdf | Download Contribution }}.  
-  * Joint Mozilla / Internet Society (ISOC) [[https://policy.communitynetworks.group/public-consultation/|submission]] to Canadian spectrum regulator on their [[https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf11717.html|Consultation on New Access Licensing Framework, Changes to Subordinate Licensing and White Space to Support Rural and Remote Deployment]]. 26 October 2021 {{ :public-consultation:2021-10-26_submission-mozilla-isoc-spectrum_final.pdf | Download local copy}}. 
-  * Joint submission by Mozilla, Internet Society, and Connect Humanity to a [[https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/spectrum-management-telecommunications/en/learn-more/key-documents/consultations/consultation-non-competitive-local-licensing-framework-including-spectrum-3900-3980-mhz-band-and#s5 | consultation]] by Canada Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) on a “Non-Competitive Local Licensing Framework, Including Spectrum in the 3900-3980 MHz Band and Portions of the 26, 28 and 38 GHz Bands”. 14 November 2022.  Submission [[https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/spectrum-management-telecommunications/en/learn-more/key-documents/reply-comments-received-consultation-non-competitive-local-licensing-framework-spb-003-22 | available online]]. {{ :public-consultation:spb-003-22_-_internet_society_indigenous_connectivity_institute_and_mozilla_corporation_reply_comments.pdf |Local copy.}} 
 ===== Colombia ===== ===== Colombia =====
-  * Colnodo, with support from Rhizomatica, submitted comments on the Public Consultation for the 900 MHz band. November 2021 {{ :public-consultation:respuesta_consulta_publica_banda_de_900_mhz.pdf | Download Contribution (Spanish)}}.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| [[https://www.ane.gov.co/SitePages/inicio.aspx|Agencia Nacional del Espectro (ANE)]] | Public Consultation for the 900 MHz band  | Colnodo with support from Rhizomatica | Nov 2021 |  {{ :public-consultation:respuesta_consulta_publica_banda_de_900_mhz.pdf | Download (Spanish)}} 
 +| [[https://www.ane.gov.co/SitePages/inicio.aspx|Agencia Nacional del Espectro (ANE)]] | Draft spectrum policy  | Colnodo with support from Rhizomatica | Jul 2020 |   {{ :public-consultation:comentarios_politica_de_espectro_colombia_final.pdf | Download (Spanish)}} |
-  * Colnodo, with support from APC and Rhizomatica, submitted comments on the draft 2020-2024 spectrum policy in Colombia [[https://www.apc.org/es/node/36560 | Spanish]] [[https://www.apc.org/en/node/36561/ | English]] . July 2020. {{ :public-consultation:comentarios_politica_de_espectro_colombia_final.pdf | Download Contribution}}.  
 ===== Ethiopia ===== ===== Ethiopia =====
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/contribution-ethiopian-telecommunications-sector-stakeholder-consultation-no-001-2019 | Joint submission from the Association for Progressive Communications, the Alliance for Affordable Internet, Internet Society, Network for Digital Rights for Ethiopia and Bahir Dar Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Research Center to the  Telecommunications Sector Stakeholder Consultation No. 001-201]]. November 2019{{ :public-consultation:civil_society_contribution_to_ethiopian_telecommunications_sector_stakeholder_consultation_november_2019.pdf | Download Contribution }}+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
- +| Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) | Ethiopian Telecommunications Sector Stakeholder Consultation No. 001-2019 Notice 1003 | Association for Progressive Communications, the Alliance for Affordable Internet, Internet Society, Network for Digital Rights for Ethiopia and Bahir Dar Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Research Center | Nov 2019 {{ :public-consultation:civil_society_contribution_to_ethiopian_telecommunications_sector_stakeholder_consultation_november_2019.pdf | Download}} | 
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/node/36556/ | Comments from APC, ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) Research Centre at Bahir Dar University, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter, the Internet Society and the Network for Digital Rights in Ethiopia to the Telecommunications Licensing Directive No. 1/2020]]. June 2020. {{ :public-consultation:civil_societies_contribution_on_eca_telecom_licenses_directive.pdf | Download Contribution }}. +| Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) | Telecommunications Licensing Directive No1/2020 | APC, ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) Research Centre at Bahir Dar University, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter, the Internet Society and the Network for Digital Rights in Ethiopia | Jun 2020 {{ :public-consultation:civil_societies_contribution_on_eca_telecom_licenses_directive.pdf | Download}} | 
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/comments-civil-society-organisations-and-academia-ethiopian-communications-authority-universal Comments from APC, the  +| Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) | Telecommunications Licensing Directive No1/2020 Universal Access and Service Framework and Universal Access Fund Regulation | APC, the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) Research Centre at Bahir Dar University, the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter, the Internet Society and the Network for Digital Rights in Ethiopia | Oct 2020 |  {{ :public-consultation:uas_framework_ethiopia_civil_society_final_0.pdf | Download}} |
-Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), ICT4D (Information and Communication Technology for Development) Research Centre at Bahir Dar University, the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter, the Internet Society and the Network for Digital Rights in Ethiopia to the Telecommunications Licensing Directive No. 1/2020]]. October 2020. {{ :public-consultation:uas_framework_ethiopia_civil_society_final_0.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+
 ===== Kenya ===== ===== Kenya =====
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/news/kenya-national-broadband-strategy-apc-and-partners-advocate-bottom-community-driven-approaches Joint submission from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in collaboration with Rhizomatica, the Internet Society (ISOC), the World Wide Web Foundation/Alliance for Affordable Internet, ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, the Tunapanda Institute and the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) to the National Broadband Strategy]]. March 2019{{:public-consultation:kenya_national_broadband_strategy_-_commentary_march_2019.pdf | Download Contribution}}.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Communications Authority (CA)  | National Broadband Strategy | Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in collaboration with Rhizomatica, the Internet Society (ISOC), the World Wide Web Foundation/Alliance for Affordable Internet, ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, the Tunapanda Institute and the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)  | Mar 2019 {{:public-consultation:kenya_national_broadband_strategy_-_commentary_march_2019.pdf | Download}} 
 +| Communications Authority (CA)  | Public consultation on TV White Space spectrum | Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), the Tunapanda Institute, the Association for Progressive Communications, Internet Society ​and Rhizomatica | Apr 2020 | {{ :public-consultation:comments_public_consultation_tvws_kenya_april_2020.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Communications Authority (CA)  | Public consultation on a Licensing and Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks | Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in collaboration with Rhizomatica | May 2021 | {{:public-consultation:kenya_national_broadband_strategy_-_commentary_march_2019.pdf | Download}} |
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/civil-society-comments-kenyas-draft-dynamic-spectrum-access-framework-authorisation-use-tv | Joint submission from the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), the     Tunapanda Institute, the Association for Progressive Communications, Internet Society ​and Rhizomatica to Public Consultation TVWS Kenya]]. April 2020. {{ :public-consultation:comments_public_consultation_tvws_kenya_april_2020.pdf | Download Contribution }}.  +===== Indonesia =====
-  * In a landmark process for community networks in the region, in May 2021 the Communication Authority of Kenya, held a Public Consultation requesting comments to the "Licensing and Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks"{{ :public-consultation:licensing-and-shared-spectrum-framework-for-community-networks-may-2021.docx.pdf | Download Framework }}+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| None | Policy Brief For Supporting Community Networks Development In Indonesia | Common Room and colleagues (see document for full list) | Nov 2022 | {{ :public-consultation:cr_apc_policy_brief_community_networks_development_-_indonesia_nov_2022_en.pdf |Download}} |
 ===== India ===== ===== India =====
-  * In January 2022, CIS and Mozilla [[https://www.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/CIS_Mozilla_11012022.pdf submitted a response]] to the TRAI [[https://www.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/CP_30112021.pdf | consultation]] on a planned auction of 3.5GHz spectrum. Local {{ :public-consultation:cis_mozilla_11012022.pdf | copy}} of submission.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) | Auction of Spectrum in frequency bands identified for IMT/5G | Center for Internet and Society and Mozilla Corporation | Jan 2022 | [[https://www.trai.gov.in/sites/default/files/CP_30112021.pdf | Submission]]    {{ :public-consultation:cis_mozilla_11012022.pdf | Local copy}} |
 ===== Mexico ===== ===== Mexico =====
-  * Telecomunicaciones Indígenas Comunitarias, A. C. submitted comments to the "Consulta Pública sobre el Proyecto de Bases de Licitación Pública para concesionar el uso, aprovechamiento y explotación comercial de segmentos de espectro radioeléctrico disponibles en las Bandas de Frecuencias 814-824 / 859-869 MHz, 1755-1760 / 2155-2160 MHz, 1910-1915 / 1990-1995 MHz y 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 MHz para la prestación de servicios de Acceso Inalámbrico (Licitación No. IFT-10) . October 2020{{ :public-consultation:formatoparticipacioncpproyectodebasesift-10_1_.docx | Download Contribution (Spanish)}}+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) | Consulta Pública sobre el Proyecto de Bases de Licitación Pública para concesionar el uso, aprovechamiento y explotación comercial de segmentos de espectro radioeléctrico disponibles en las Bandas de Frecuencias 814-824 / 859-869 MHz, 1755-1760 / 2155-2160 MHz, 1910-1915 / 1990-1995 MHz y 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 MHz para la prestación de servicios de Acceso Inalámbrico (Licitación No. IFT-10) | Telecomunicaciones Indígenas Comunitarias, AC | Oct 2020 {{ :public-consultation:formatoparticipacioncpproyectodebasesift-10_1_.docx | Download Contribution (Spanish)}} |
 ===== Nigeria ===== ===== Nigeria =====
-  * CITAD's and APC's Submission to the Nigerian Communications Commission on 3.5GHz Auction. October 2021{{ :public-consultation:ncc-35ghz-auction-clean-final.pdf | Download Contribution }}. +^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
-  * APC's Submission to the Nigerian Communications Commission on the second 3.5GHz Auction. November 2022{{ :public-consultation:response_to_nigeria_consultation_on_3.5ghz_auction-2022.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) | [[https://ncc.gov.ng/documents/1010-3-5ghz-spectrum-auction-information-memorandum/file|Consultation]] on Information Memorandum on 3.5GHz Spectrum Auction | Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) and Association for Progressive Communications (APC) | Oct 2021 {{ :public-consultation:ncc-35ghz-auction-clean-final.pdf | Download}} | 
 +Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) | [[https://www.ncc.gov.ng/media-centre/public-notices/1297-public-notice-final-im-3-5ghz-spectrum-band-2022.|Publication]] of Final Information Memorandum for the Auction of 2 x 100MHz in the 3.5GHz Spectrum Band | Association for Progressive Communications (APC)  | Nov 2022 {{ :public-consultation:response_to_nigeria_consultation_on_3.5ghz_auction-2022.pdf | Download}}  |
-===== Philippines ===== +===== Pakistan =====
-  * A new Open Data Transmission Bill is being discussed by the Senate ((http://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3129628193!.pdf)). August 2021. {{ :public-consultation:apc_letter_to_phil_senate_st_committee_on_open_access.pdf | APC submitted a letter to senators in support of the Bill}}.+
-===== South Africa =====+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Government of Pakistan  | Contribution to the development of a Gender Digital Inclusion Strategy containing targets for community networks | GDIP (formerly Alliance for Affordable Internet) and Internet Society  | Mar 2024 |  [[https://www.pta.gov.pk/assets/media/digital_gender_inclusion_strategy_28-02-2024.pdf|Strategy]] |
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/sites/default/files/Zenzeleni_APC_UWC_Submission_ECAA_2017.pdf | Submission by Zenzeleni Networks NPC in conjunction with the Association for Progressive Communications and the University of the Western Cape”, Electronic Communications Amendment Bill Consultative Process]]. 31 January 2018. {{ :public-consultation:zenzeleni_apc_uwc_submission_ecaa_2017_january_2018.pdf | Download Contribution }}.   
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/node/35106 | Submission by Zenzeleni Networks NPC, the Association for Progressive Communications, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Cape Town and Rhizomatica on proposed policy on licensing unassigned high-demand spectrum and deployment of the WOAN]]. 8 November 2018. {{ :public-consultation:submission_on_proposed_policy_on_licensing_unassigned_high_demand_spectrum_and_deployment_of_the_woan_november_2018.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+===== Philippines =====
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/comments-respect-provisioning-mobile-broadband-wireless-open-access-services-urban-and-rural |  Zenzeleni Networks and APC comments in respect of the Provisioning of Mobile Broadband Wireless Open Access Services for Urban and Rural Areas Using the Complementary BandsIMT700IMT800IMT2300, IMT2600 and IMT3500]]. January 2020. {{ :public-consultation:response_zenzeleni_apc_public_notice_597_january_2020.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Senate of the Philippines | [[http://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3129628193!.pdf|Open Data Transmission Bill]]  | Association for Progressive Communications (APC) | Aug 2021 | {{ :public-consultation:apc_letter_to_phil_senate_st_committee_on_open_access.pdf | Letter to senators in support of the Bill}} 
 +| Senate of the Philippines | Konektadong Pinoy Act (Open Access in Data Transmission Act) | PBGJFCIndustry Associations, and Civil Society Organisations | Jul 2024 | {{ :public-consultation:joint-statement_konektadong-pinoy_signed.pdf |Download}} |
-  * APC's Response to [[https://www.icasa.org.za/legislation-and-regulations/a-notice-regarding-the-information-memorandum-to-advise-the-public-on-the-process-that-it-intends-to-follow-and-consultation-in-respect-of-the-licensing-of-international-mobile-telecommunications|Electronic Communications Act (36/2005): Notice regarding Information Memorandum on Licensing of Spectrum in the IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600 and IMT3500 Bands]]. October 2021. [[https://www.icasa.org.za/uploads/files/APC-Submission-on-the-Information-Memorandum-on-Licensing-of-Spectrum-in-the-IMT700-IMT800-IMT2600-and-IMT3500-Bands.pdf|Online]] {{ :public-consultation:response_to_icasa_ita_for_imt_spectrum.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+===== South Africa =====
-  * Multistakeholder Response to the Second Information Memorandum on the Licensing Process for International Mobile Telecommunications in Respect of the Provision of Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services for Urban and Rural Areas Using the Complementary Bands,IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600 And IMT3500, for Public Consultation. November 2021{{ :public-consultation:response_to_second_im_from_icasa_on_ita.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) | Electronic Communications Amendment Bill Consultative Process | Zenzeleni Networks NPC in conjunction with the Association for Progressive Communications and the University of the Western Cape | Jan 2018 | {{ :public-consultation:zenzeleni_apc_uwc_submission_ecaa_2017_january_2018.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) | Notice 1003 in Government Gazette No. 41935 - Proposed policy on licensing unassigned high-demand spectrum and deployment of the WOAN | Zenzeleni Networks NPC, the Association for Progressive Communications, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Cape Town and Rhizomatica | Nov 2018 | {{ :public-consultation:submission_on_proposed_policy_on_licensing_unassigned_high_demand_spectrum_and_deployment_of_the_woan_november_2018.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) | Provisioning of Mobile Broadband Wireless Open Access Services for Urban and Rural Areas Using the Complementary Bands, IMT700, IMT800, IMT2300, IMT2600 and IMT3500 | Zenzeleni Networks and APC  | Jan 2020 | {{ :public-consultation:response_zenzeleni_apc_public_notice_597_january_2020.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)  | Electronic Communications Act (36/2005): Notice regarding Information Memorandum on Licensing of Spectrum in the IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600 and IMT3500 Bands | Association for Progressive Communications (APC) | Nov 2021 | {{ :public-consultation:response_to_icasa_ita_for_imt_spectrum.pdf | Download Contribution }} | 
 +| Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) Second Information Memorandum on the Licensing Process for International Mobile Telecommunications in Respect of the Provision of Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services for Urban and Rural Areas Using the Complementary Bands,IMT700, IMT800, IMT2600 And IMT3500, for Public Consultation | Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), Association for Progressive Communications, Mozilla Corporation, Rodwyn Grewan (individual), Soweto Wireless User Group, University of the Western Cape, Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrading (VPUU NPC), Zenzeleni Networks (Non Profit Company & Public Benefit Organisation) | Nov 2021 {{ :public-consultation:response_to_second_im_from_icasa_on_ita.pdf | Download }} 
 +| Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) | [[https://www.icasa.org.za/news/2022/icasa-initiates-the-second-phase-of-the-imt-spectrum-licensing-process | Information Memorandum]] Regarding ICASA’s Intentions to Initiate the Second Phase of the Licensing Process and to make available Radio Frequency Spectrum to Prospective Licensees to Provide Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services in the Low and Mid Radio Frequency Bands | Association for Progressive Communications, Mozilla Corporation, University of the Western Cape, Zenzeleni Networks NPC | Sep 2022 | {{ :public-consultation:icasa_second_phase_licensing_sept2022-comments-apc-mozilla-uwc-zenzeleni.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) formerly DTPS | Consultation on a [[https://www.gov.za/documents/communications-and-digital-technologies-next-generation-radio-frequency-spectrum-policy|Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy for Economic Development]] | Association for Progressive Communications, Mozilla Corporation, University of the Western Cape, Zenzeleni Networks NPC and partners | Oct 2022 | {{ :public-consultation:submission_south_africa_next_generation_spectrum_policy.pdf | Download}} 
 +| Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) formerly DTPS | Invitation to provide written comments on [[https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/202306/48841gon3567.pdf | Proposed Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2022]] | Association for Progressive Communications, Mozilla Corporation, University of the Western Cape, Zenzeleni Networks NPC | Aug 2023 | {{ :public-consultation:response_ec_amendmentbill_31aug2023-2.pdf | Download submission}} |
-  * Multistakeholder Response to the [[https://www.icasa.org.za/news/2022/icasa-initiates-the-second-phase-of-the-imt-spectrum-licensing-process | Information Memorandum]] Regarding ICASA’s Intentions to Initiate the Second Phase of the Licensing Process and to make available Radio Frequency Spectrum to Prospective Licensees to Provide Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Services in the Low and Mid Radio Frequency Bands. September 2022. {{ :public-consultation:icasa_second_phase_licensing_sept2022-comments-apc-mozilla-uwc-zenzeleni.pdf | Download submission}}+===== Tanzania =====
-  * Multistakeholder response to the Consultation on a [[https://www.gov.za/documents/communications-and-digital-technologies-next-generation-radio-frequency-spectrum-policy|Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy for Economic Development]]. October 2022.  {{ :public-consultation:submission_south_africa_next_generation_spectrum_policy.pdf | Download submission}}  +^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
- +| Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Proposed amendments to the Electronic and Postal Communications (Digital and Other Broadcasting Networks and Services) Regulations | Tanzania Community Networks Alliance | Aug 2021 | {{ :public-consultation:public_consultation_2021.docx | Download}}  |
-  * Invitation to provide written comments on [[https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/202306/48841gon3567.pdf | Proposed Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2022]], 23 June 2023.  Final submission made on 31 August 2023 by APC, Mozilla, University of the Western Cape, and Zenzeleni Networks. {{ :public-consultation:response_ec_amendmentbill_31aug2023-2.pdf Download submission}} +
-===== Tanzania ===== +
-  * {{ :public-consultation:public_consultation_2021.docx | Tanzania Community Networks Alliance comments to the amendments proposed to the License Regulations 2018}}. August 2021.   +
 ===== Uganda ===== ===== Uganda =====
-  * Joint submission from APC, Rhizomatica, Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), the AfChix Uganda chapter, BOSCO Uganda and the Internet Society to the [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/comments-proposed-review-licensing-framework-telecommunications-sector-uganda Proposed review of the Licensing Framework for the telecommunications sector in Uganda]]. April 2019{{ :public-consultation:comments_on_the_proposed_review_of_the_licensing_framework_for_the_telecommunications_sector_in_uganda_april_2019.pdf | Download Contribution }}.   +^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
-  * Joint submission by [[https://boscouganda.com/|BOSCO]], [[https://renu.ac.ug/|RENU]], and [[https://apc.org|APC]] to Consultation on Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines for the Utilisation of the 5GHz Band for Wireless Access Networks in Uganda. February 2022{{ public-consultation:apc-bosco-renu_response_to_ucc_consultation_on_5ghz-fina.pdf | Download Contribution}} +| Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) | Proposed review of the Licensing Framework for the telecommunications sector in Uganda | APC, Rhizomatica, Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), the AfChix Uganda chapter, BOSCO Uganda and the Internet Society | Apr 2019 {{ :public-consultation:comments_on_the_proposed_review_of_the_licensing_framework_for_the_telecommunications_sector_in_uganda_april_2019.pdf | Download}} | 
-  * Joint submission by [[https://boscouganda.com/|BOSCO]] and [[https://apc.org|APC]] to Consultation on a Uganda National Broadband Baseline Survey & Infrastructure Blueprint. February 2022{{ :public-consultation:uganda_national_broadband_baseline_survey_infrastructure_blueprint_bosco_uganda_apc.pdf | Download Contribution.}}+| Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) | Guidelines for the Utilisation of the 5GHz Band for Wireless Access Networks in Uganda | [[https://boscouganda.com/|BOSCO]], RENU - Research and Education Network for Uganda ([[https://renu.ac.ug/|RENU]]), and [[https://apc.org|APC]] | Feb 2022 {{ public-consultation:apc-bosco-renu_response_to_ucc_consultation_on_5ghz-fina.pdf | Download}} | 
 +| Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) | Uganda National Broadband Baseline Survey & Infrastructure Blueprint | [[https://boscouganda.com/|BOSCO]] and [[https://apc.org|APC]] | Feb 2022 {{ :public-consultation:uganda_national_broadband_baseline_survey_infrastructure_blueprint_bosco_uganda_apc.pdf | Download}} |
 ===== Zimbabwe ===== ===== Zimbabwe =====
-  * [[https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/joint-submission-consultation-paper-light-licensing-24-ghz-and-5-ghz-band-zimbabwe Joint submission from Murambinda Works, Association for Progressive Communications, Internet Society and Rhizomatica to the consultation on Light Licensing of the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band in Zimbabwe]]. February 2019{{ :public-consultation:submission_potraz_final_february_2019.pdf | Download Contribution }}.+^ Organisation ^ Consultation ^ Respondents ^ Date ^ Contribution ^ 
 +| Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) | Consultation on Light Licensing of the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band in Zimbabwe | Murambinda Works, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Internet Society and Rhizomatica  | Feb 2019 {{ :public-consultation:submission_potraz_final_february_2019.pdf | Download Contribution }} |