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good-practice:start [2021/07/26 08:24] carlosgood-practice:start [2024/07/05 12:01] (current) steve
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-====== Enabling Regulation ======+====== Good Practice ======
 Although the business models of national operators and local commercial operators providing connectivity are fairly well understood, less is known about local social-purpose operators and their role in providing affordable access to communication in places where the commercial operators see no interest. Among them, a number of community-owned networks have demonstrated their ability to contribute to closing the rural access gap. This is being increasingly recognised in the outcomes of many international fora on connectivity gaps, as shown in the **[[international-organisations:start|The Role of International Organisations]]** section of the wiki. Although the business models of national operators and local commercial operators providing connectivity are fairly well understood, less is known about local social-purpose operators and their role in providing affordable access to communication in places where the commercial operators see no interest. Among them, a number of community-owned networks have demonstrated their ability to contribute to closing the rural access gap. This is being increasingly recognised in the outcomes of many international fora on connectivity gaps, as shown in the **[[international-organisations:start|The Role of International Organisations]]** section of the wiki.