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good-practice:start [2021/07/26 08:03] – [Global recognition] carlosgood-practice:start [2024/07/05 12:01] (current) steve
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-====== Enabling Regulation ======+====== Good Practice ======
-Although the business models of national operators and local commercial operators providing connectivity are fairly well understood, less is known about local social-purpose operators and their role in providing affordable access to communication in places where the commercial operators see no interest. Among them, a number of community-owned networks have demonstrated their ability to contribute to closing the rural access gap. This is being increasingly recognised in the outcomes of many international fora on connectivity gaps, as shown in the [[start#recognition_of_local_social-purpose_operatorsRecognition in Policy documents]] section below.+Although the business models of national operators and local commercial operators providing connectivity are fairly well understood, less is known about local social-purpose operators and their role in providing affordable access to communication in places where the commercial operators see no interest. Among them, a number of community-owned networks have demonstrated their ability to contribute to closing the rural access gap. This is being increasingly recognised in the outcomes of many international fora on connectivity gaps, as shown in the **[[international-organisations:start|The Role of International Organisations]]** section of the wiki.
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-==== Regional recognition ==== 
-=== Africa === 
-In Africa, the **Specialized Technical Committee on Communications and Information Technologies (STC-CICT) from the Africa Union** [[ https://au.int/sites/default/files/decisions/37590-2019_sharm_el_sheikh_declaration_-_stc-cict-3_oct_2019_ver2410-10pm-1rev-2.pdf 
- | included]], in its 2019 **Sharm El Sheikh Declaration (STC –CICT-3)** the following text directing the African Union Commission to: 
-<callout>29. PROMOTE the formulation of strategy and pilot projects for Unlocking Access to Basic Infrastructure and Services for Rural and Remote Areas including Indigenous Community Networks, and develop guidelines on legislation on deployment of technologies and ICT applications, to accelerate infrastructure role out in collaboration with ATU and other regional institutions;</callout> 
-Additionally, the **Broadband Commission “Connecting Africa Through Broadband: A strategy for doubling connectivity by 2021 and reaching universal access by 2030”** [[https://www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/working-groups/DigitalMoonshotforAfrica_Report.pdf | recognizes]] the role of community networks in 3 of the 7 Objectives of its Action Plan. Of particular interest is Objective 5:  
-<callout>Provide direct funding support for extending affordable broadband access to commercially challenging rural and remote areas, to women, and low-income users</callout> 
-and the recommendations under Objective 1 “Ensure that the commercial broadband ICT market is open and structurally prepared for competitive private investment": 
-<callout>Adopt open wholesale and retail telecommunications market entry policies, especially competitive and unified licensing regimes, and liberal, dynamic spectrum policies. Such policies should also accommodate community and nonprofit focused network operators who offer services in underserved areas. 
-=== Americas === 
-In the Americas region, the Inter-american Telecommunications Commission tracks the implementation of resolution ITU D-19 regarding small, not for profit and community operators, through resolution 268-PCC1. The report[(https://www.redesac.org.mx/regulacion)], presented in 2018, shows the development of inclusive regulation for small and community operators in each of the countries.  
-=== Asia === 
-In Asia Pacific, community networks are a relatively new topic. Still, they were discussed in 2019 at the Third Session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee and WSIS Regional Review and included in its deliberations[(https://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20Report%20-%20Third%20AP-IS%20SC_0.pdf)].  
 ==== National recognition ==== ==== National recognition ====