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public-consultation:citel-2024 [2024/10/17 16:31] – created CITEL workshop stevepublic-consultation:citel-2024 [2024/10/17 16:33] (current) – added description for CITEL workshop steve
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 ====== Towards an Enabling Regulatory Environment for Sustainable Community Connectivity ====== ====== Towards an Enabling Regulatory Environment for Sustainable Community Connectivity ======
 +|  Workshop Name | [[https://portal.educoas.org/es/curso-enlinea-citel-oea-hacia-un-entorno-regulatorio-de-las-comunicaciones-comunitarias-sostenibles|Towards an enabling regulatory environment for sustainable community telecommunications ]]  | 
 +|          Date: | 2024 | 
 +|      Location: | Virtual? | 
 +**Workshop Materials** 