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other:new-map [2023/06/26 13:47] – created alternate map steveother:new-map [2023/06/26 13:48] (current) – changed map width steve
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 ===== Community-Owned Telecommunications and Broadband ===== ===== Community-Owned Telecommunications and Broadband =====
-<olmap id="olmapCNs" width="800px" height="800px" lat="50.001" lon="5.16" zoom="12" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="google relief">+<olmap id="olmapCNs" width="1200px" height="800px" lat="50.001" lon="5.16" zoom="12" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="google relief">
 54.135430,-2.616020,0,.8,wifi.png,B4RN; Cooperative \\ Formed in 2012 \\ [[https://b4rn.org.uk/|https://b4rn.org.uk/]] 54.135430,-2.616020,0,.8,wifi.png,B4RN; Cooperative \\ Formed in 2012 \\ [[https://b4rn.org.uk/|https://b4rn.org.uk/]]