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international-organisations:start [2024/12/03 09:50] – [Broadband Commission - Moonshot report] carlosinternational-organisations:start [2024/12/03 09:54] (current) – [Global Digital Compact] carlos
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 ===== Global Digital Compact  ===== ===== Global Digital Compact  =====
-OBJECTIVE CLOSE ALL DIGITAL DIVIDES +The Global Digital Compact was adopted as an annex of the UN Pact for the Future ((https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sotf-pact_for_the_future_adopted.pdf)) in September 2024. Among its commitments to meet "Objective - Close All Digital Divides And Accelerate Progress Across the Sustainable Development Goals" it contains the following: 
-AND ACCELERATE PROGRESS ACROSS +  * "c) Invest in and deploy resilient digital infrastructure, including satellites and local network initiatives, that provide safe and secure network coverage to all areas, including rural, remote and “hard-to-reach” areas, and promote equitable access to satellite orbits, taking into account the needs of developing countries We will aim for universal access at affordable rates and at sufficient speeds as well as reliability to enable meaningful use of the Internet (SDGs 9 and 11);"
-Connectivity +
- +
-c) Invest in and deploy resilient digital infra- +
-structure, including satellites and local net- +
-work initiatives, that provide safe and secure +
-network coverage to all areas, including ru- +
-ral, remote and “hard-to-reach” areas, and +
-promote equitable access to satellite orbits, +
-taking into account the needs of developing +
-countries We will aim for universal access at +
-affordable rates and at sufficient speeds as +
-well as reliability to enable meaningful use of +
-the Internet (SDGs 9 and 11); +
- +
-https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sotf-pact_for_the_future_adopted.pdf +
 ===== Broadband Commission  ===== ===== Broadband Commission  =====