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good-practice:fibre [2019/04/01 16:01] – Add Telefonica Spain's database of registers and ducts otd_wikigood-practice:fibre [2019/08/26 12:51] (current) – Added BCN Nigeria to fibre network transparency otd_wiki
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 {{ :good-practice:movistar.jpg?direct&200|}} Registered operators in Spain can access Telefonica's [[https://www.movistar.es/operadores/ServiciosRegulados/ficha/PRO_MARCO | database of registers and ducts]] in order to plan their network deployments.  Source:  [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/104/materials/slides-104-gaia-fibre-network-deployment-paradigms-xavi-poza-sureda-01 | Guifi.net presentation]] at GAIA meeting, IETF 104. {{ :good-practice:movistar.jpg?direct&200|}} Registered operators in Spain can access Telefonica's [[https://www.movistar.es/operadores/ServiciosRegulados/ficha/PRO_MARCO | database of registers and ducts]] in order to plan their network deployments.  Source:  [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/104/materials/slides-104-gaia-fibre-network-deployment-paradigms-xavi-poza-sureda-01 | Guifi.net presentation]] at GAIA meeting, IETF 104.
 +===== BCN Nigeria =====
 +{{:good-practice:bcn_nigeria_fibrenetwork.jpg?direct&200 |}}BCN Nigeria publish a [[http://bcnnigeria.net/index.php/our-network/ | detailed map]] of both their existing and planned FTTH network.