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good-practice:fibre [2018/12/07 12:47] otd_wikigood-practice:fibre [2019/08/26 12:51] (current) – Added BCN Nigeria to fibre network transparency otd_wiki
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 Pan African fibre optic network operator [[https://www.liquidtelecom.com|Liquid Telecom]] maintain a [[https://www.liquidtelecom.com/about-us/network-map.html|map of their fibre network]] on their website. While this map is generally helpful, it doesn't display point of presence, nor does it reveal the specific routes that the fibre follows. This is one step up from not displaying a coverage map at all but falls short of being useful for strategic planning. Pan African fibre optic network operator [[https://www.liquidtelecom.com|Liquid Telecom]] maintain a [[https://www.liquidtelecom.com/about-us/network-map.html|map of their fibre network]] on their website. While this map is generally helpful, it doesn't display point of presence, nor does it reveal the specific routes that the fibre follows. This is one step up from not displaying a coverage map at all but falls short of being useful for strategic planning.
 +===== Telefonica Spain =====
 +{{ :good-practice:movistar.jpg?direct&200|}} Registered operators in Spain can access Telefonica's [[https://www.movistar.es/operadores/ServiciosRegulados/ficha/PRO_MARCO | database of registers and ducts]] in order to plan their network deployments.  Source:  [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/104/materials/slides-104-gaia-fibre-network-deployment-paradigms-xavi-poza-sureda-01 | Guifi.net presentation]] at GAIA meeting, IETF 104.
 +===== BCN Nigeria =====
 +{{:good-practice:bcn_nigeria_fibrenetwork.jpg?direct&200 |}}BCN Nigeria publish a [[http://bcnnigeria.net/index.php/our-network/ | detailed map]] of both their existing and planned FTTH network.