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country-profiles:south-africa [2021/09/01 12:56] – [Mobile Virtual Network Operators] turned list into table stevecountry-profiles:south-africa [2023/06/18 11:59] (current) – CSV data imported steve
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 Telecommunications policy is set by what is now (June 2019) known as the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), a merger of the [[https://www.doc.gov.za/content/about-us|Department of Communications]] (DOC) and the [[https://www.dtps.gov.za/|Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services]] (DTPS). DCDT's mission is to: Telecommunications policy is set by what is now (June 2019) known as the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), a merger of the [[https://www.doc.gov.za/content/about-us|Department of Communications]] (DOC) and the [[https://www.dtps.gov.za/|Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services]] (DTPS). DCDT's mission is to:
-<callout type="default">//create an enabling environment for the provision of inclusive communication services to all South Africans in a manner that promotes socio-economic development and investment through broadcasting, new media, print media and other new technologies, and to brand the country locally and internationally.//</callout>+**Create an enabling environment for the provision of inclusive communication services to all South Africans in a manner that promotes socio-economic development and investment through broadcasting, new media, print media and other new technologies, and to brand the country locally and internationally.**
 The plight of the digital divide in rural South Africa is acknowledged in The National Development Plan, South Africa Connect, and the National ICT Advisory Review Panel Report (2015) (“ICT Panel Report”). The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper (pg. 66) states that:  The plight of the digital divide in rural South Africa is acknowledged in The National Development Plan, South Africa Connect, and the National ICT Advisory Review Panel Report (2015) (“ICT Panel Report”). The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper (pg. 66) states that: 
-<callout type="default">// The National Development Plan (2012) (“NDP”), South Africa Connect: the National Broadband Policy and Strategy (2013) (“SA Connect”) and the recommendations captured in the National ICT Advisory Review Panel Report (2015) (“ICT Panel Report”) have identified that, despite the policy and regulatory framework, network roll-out is skewed towards urban areas - and the prospects of providers rolling out modern broadband services in rural and less affluent areas without government intervention are minimal.//</callout>+** 
 +The National Development Plan (2012) (“NDP”), South Africa Connect: the National Broadband Policy and Strategy (2013) (“SA Connect”) and the recommendations captured in the National ICT Advisory Review Panel Report (2015) (“ICT Panel Report”) have identified that, despite the policy and regulatory framework, network roll-out is skewed towards urban areas - and the prospects of providers rolling out modern broadband services in rural and less affluent areas without government intervention are minimal.** 
 +It is worth noting that the South African government has embraced an "open data" policy for government in its [[https://www.dtps.gov.za/images/phocagallery/Popular_Topic_Pictures/National_Integrated_ICT_Policy_White.pdf|National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper 2016]] stating that: 
 +<callout type="default">The South African Constitution commits Government to open and transparent governance of the country. ICTs and digitisation provide a means to reinforce this commitment by making it more possible to ensure that key  non-personal  public  information  and  data  is  freely  available  to everyone to use, reuse and republish as they wish, subject  only  to  restrictions  to  protect  privacy, confidentiality and security in line with the Constitution.</callout>  
 ===== Licensing Framework ===== ===== Licensing Framework =====
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 A Mobile Virtual Network Operator or MVNO is a mobile operator that doesn't have its own wireless network infrastructure, it relies on another carrier's radio network infrastructure.  There are various types of MVNOs ranging from a full MVNO which operate everything except the radio network.  This includes operating the core network, applications & services, billing, customer care as well as sales & marketing.  At the other end of the spectrum are branded resellers which only does sales and marketing.  There are variations in between. A Mobile Virtual Network Operator or MVNO is a mobile operator that doesn't have its own wireless network infrastructure, it relies on another carrier's radio network infrastructure.  There are various types of MVNOs ranging from a full MVNO which operate everything except the radio network.  This includes operating the core network, applications & services, billing, customer care as well as sales & marketing.  At the other end of the spectrum are branded resellers which only does sales and marketing.  There are variations in between.
-Historically, MVNOs operated on CellC's network, the only operator to offer wholesale MVNO services.  However, in late 2020 [[https://techcentral.co.za/mtn-joins-cell-c-in-the-mvno-platform-business/102488/|MTN announced]] it would offer MVNOs on its network. +Historically, MVNOs operated on CellC's network, the only operator to offer wholesale MVNO services.  However, in late 2020 [[https://techcentral.co.za/mtn-joins-cell-c-in-the-mvno-platform-business/102488/|MTN announced]] it would offer MVNOs on its network. Vodacom made a [[https://techcentral.co.za/vodacom-is-building-a-platform-for-mvnos/103009/|similar announcement]] around the same time.
 {{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth=""}} {{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth=""}}
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 /* Please don't edit the following text. It automatically creates a table for the ISM bands. */ /* Please don't edit the following text. It automatically creates a table for the ISM bands. */
 /* You can edit the values while not in editing mode by double-clicking on the fields  */ /* You can edit the values while not in editing mode by double-clicking on the fields  */
----- struct table ---- + 
-schema: ismbands +
-filter: country = South Africa +
-cols: frequency, exempt, EIRP, Tx-Power, Notes +
-csv: 0 +
 All license-exempt wireless equipment requires homologation or type approval in order to be used legally in South Africa.  ICASA maintains a [[https://www.icasa.org.za/uploads/files/rf-type-approved-equipment-2019-1st-quarter.pdf|list of type-approved license-exempt radio equipment]]. The current linked document is up-to-date as of Q1 2019. All license-exempt wireless equipment requires homologation or type approval in order to be used legally in South Africa.  ICASA maintains a [[https://www.icasa.org.za/uploads/files/rf-type-approved-equipment-2019-1st-quarter.pdf|list of type-approved license-exempt radio equipment]]. The current linked document is up-to-date as of Q1 2019.
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 /* Please don't edit the following text. It automatically creates a table for the IMT assignments. */ /* Please don't edit the following text. It automatically creates a table for the IMT assignments. */
 /* You can edit the values while not in editing mode by double-clicking on the fields  */ /* You can edit the values while not in editing mode by double-clicking on the fields  */
----- struct table ---- +
-schema   : imtassignments +
-cols     : Operator,700MHz,800MHz,900MHz,1800MHz,2100MHz,2300MHz,2600MHz,3500MHz +
-filter   : Country = South Africa +
-csv      : 0 +
   * URL for spectrum assignments for mobile operators   * URL for spectrum assignments for mobile operators
Line 222: Line 217:
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +countryprofile.regName : Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
 +countryprofile.regAcronym : ICASA
 +countryprofile.regUrl : https://www.icasa.org.za/
 +countryprofile.regTwitter : https://twitter.com/ICASA_org
 +countryprofile.regEmail : info@icasa.org.za
 +countryprofile.minName : Department of Telecommunications & Postal Service
 +countryprofile.minAcronym : DTPS
 +countryprofile.minUrl : https://www.dtps.gov.za
 +countryprofile.minTwitter : https://twitter.com/DtpsZA
 +countryprofile.minEmail : ministry@dtps.gov.za
 ---- ----