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country-profiles:india [2021/09/15 07:44] – [Cooperatives] Policy_Rajcountry-profiles:india [2023/06/18 11:59] (current) – CSV data imported steve
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 The table below summarizes processing fees, entry fees, Bank Guarantees, Minimum Paid Up Capital, networth requirements  etc.for UL:  The table below summarizes processing fees, entry fees, Bank Guarantees, Minimum Paid Up Capital, networth requirements  etc.for UL: 
-**Table: Details of Minimum required Equity, Minimum Net Worth, Entry Fee, PBG, FBG, and Application Processing Fee for various service authorizations** ((Annexure I, DoT Guidelines on UL 20-281/2010-AS-I (Vol VI) ))+**Table: Unified Licence: Details of Minimum required Equity, Minimum Net Worth, Entry Fee, PBG, FBG, and Application Processing Fee for various service authorizations** ((Annexure I, DoT Guidelines on UL 20-281/2010-AS-I (Vol VI) ))
-^Sl No. ^Service ^Minimum Equity (Rs. Cr.)^Minimum Net Worth(Rs. Cr.)^ Entry Fee(Rs. Cr.)^PBG (Rs. Cr.)^ FBG (Rs. Cr.)^ Application Processing Fee (Rs. Cr.)^ +^Sl No. ^Service ^Minimum Equity in INR(USD)^Minimum Net Worthin INR(USD)^ Entry Feein INR(USD)^PBG in INR(USD)^ FBG in INR(USD)^ Application Processing Fee in INR(USD)^ 
-|1| UL(All services)|25.000|25.000|15.000|220.000|44.000|0.010|+|1| UL(All services)|2,50,000k(USD 33,31,092)|1,50,000k (USD 33,31,092)|1,50,000k(USD 19,98,655)|4,40,000k(USD 58,62,722)|88,000k (USD 11,72,544)|100k (USD 1,332)|
 |Service Authorisation-wise Requirements|||||||| |Service Authorisation-wise Requirements||||||||
-|1|Access Service (Telecom Circle /Metro Area)|2.500|2.500|1.000 (0.5 for NE & J&K)|10.000|2.000|0.005+|1|Access Service (Telecom Circle /Metro Area)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |10,000 k(USD 1,33,244)(5,000 for NE & J&K)|20,000k (USD 2,66,487)|4,000k (USD 53,297)|50k (USD 666)
-|2|NLD (National Area)|2.500|2.500|2.500|2.500|5.000|0.005+|2|NLD (National Area)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |25,000k (USD 3,33,109)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109)|5,000k (USD 66,622)|10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |50k (USD 666)
-|3|ILD (National Area)|2.500|2.500|2.500|2.500|5.000|0.005+|3|ILD (National Area)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |25,000k (USD 3,33,109)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109)|5,000k (USD 66,622)|10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |50k (USD 666)
-|4|VSAT (National Area)|Nil|Nil|0.300|0.500|0.300|0.005+|4|VSAT (National Area)|Nil |Nil|3,000k (USD 39,973)|1,000k (USD 13,324) |600k (USD 7,995) 50k (USD 666)
-|5|PMRTS (Telecom circle/Metro Area)|Nil|Nil|0.005|0.010|0.010|0.0015+|5|PMRTS (Telecom circle/Metro Area)|Nil|Nil|50k (USD 666) |20k (USD 266) |20k (USD 266) |15k (USD 200)
-|6|GMPCS (National Area)|2.500|2.500|1.000|2.500|1.000|0.005+|6|GMPCS (National Area)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |5,000k (USD 66,622)|2,000k (USD 26,649) |50k (USD 666)
-|7|INSAT MSS-R (National Area) |Nil|Nil|0.300|0.020|0.020|0.005+|7|INSAT MSS-R (National Area) |Nil|Nil|3,000k (USD 39,973)|40k (USD 533) |40k (USD 533) |50k (USD 666)
-|8| ISP-A (National Area)| Nil|Nil|0.300|2.000|0.100|0.005+|8| ISP-A (National Area)|Nil |Nil |3,000k (USD 39,973) |4,000k (USD 53,297) |200k (USD 2,665) |50k (USD 666)
-|9|ISP "B" (Telecom circle/Metro Area)|Nil|Nil|0.020|0.100|0.010|0.0015+|9|ISP "B" (Telecom circle/Metro Area)|Nil |Nil |200k (USD 2,665) |200k (USD 2,665) |20k (USD 266) |15k (USD 200)
-|10|ISP "C" (SSA)|Nil|Nil|0.002|0.005|0.001|0.001+|10|ISP "C" (SSA)|Nil |Nil| 20k (USD 266) |10k (USD 133) |2k (USD 27) |10k (USD 133)
-|11|Resale IPLC(National Area)|2.500|2.500|1.000|2.000|1.000|0.005|+|11|Resale IPLC(National Area)|25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |25,000k (USD 3,33,109) |10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |20,000k (USD 2,66,487) |10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |50k (USD 666)|
 The table below summarizes processing fees, entry fees, Bank Guarantees, Minimum Paid Up Capital, networth requirements  etc.for UL-VNO: The table below summarizes processing fees, entry fees, Bank Guarantees, Minimum Paid Up Capital, networth requirements  etc.for UL-VNO:
-**Table: Details of Minimum required Equity, Minimum Net Worth, Entry Fee, and Application Processing Fee for various service authorizations**+**Table: Unified Licence (VNO) : Details of Minimum required Equity, Minimum Net Worth, Entry Fee, and Application Processing Fee for various service authorizations**
-^Sl. No.^Service Authorization(s) (VNO)^Minimum Equity (Rs. Cr.)^Minimum Net Worth (Rs. Cr.)^Entry Fee (Rs. Cr.)^Application Processing Fee (Rs. Cr.)^FBG+^Sl. No.^Service Authorization(s)(VNO)^Minimum Equity in INR(USD)^ Minimum Net Worth in INR(USD) ^Entry Fee in INR(USD)^ FBG in INR(USD)^ Application Processing Fee in INR(USD)^ 
-|1|UL (VNO- All Services)|10.0|10.0|7.5|0.01|22.0+|1|UL (VNO- All Services)|1,00,000k (USD 13,32,437)1,00,000k (USD 13,32,437)75,000k (USD 9,99,328)| 44,000k (USD 5,86,272)100k (USD 1,332)
-|2|Access Service (Telecom Circle/ Metro Area)|1.0|1.0|0.5 (0.25 for NE & J&K)|0.005|1.0+|2|Access Service (Telecom Circle/ Metro Area)|10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |10,000k (USD 1,33,244) |5000k (USD 66,622), 2500k (USD 33,311) for NE & J&K) | 2,000k (USD 26,649)50k (USD 666
-|3|NLD (National Area)|1.0|1.0|1.25|0.005|2.5| +|3|NLD (National Area)|10,000k (USD 1,33,244)10,000k (USD 1,33,244)12,500k (USD 1,66,555)| 5,000k (USD 66,622)| 50k (USD 666)
-|4|ILD (National Area)|1.0|1.0|1.25|0.005|2.5| +|4|ILD (National Area)|10,000k (USD 1,33,244)10,000k (USD 1,33,244)12,500k (USD 1,66,555)| 5,000k (USD 66,622)| 50k (USD 666)
-|5|VSAT (National Area)|Nil|Nil|0.15|0.005|0.15+|5|VSAT (National Area)|Nil |Nil |1,500k (USD 19,987)300k (USD 3,997)50k (USD 666)
-|6|PMRTS (Telecom Circle / Metro)|Nil|Nil|0.0035|0.0015|0.005+|6|PMRTS (Telecom Circle / Metro)|Nil |Nil |25k (USD 333) |10k (USD 133)15k (USD 200)
-|7|GMPCS (National Area)|1.0|1.0|0.5|0.005|0.5+|7|GMPCS (National Area)|Nil |Nil |25k (USD 333) |10k (USD 133)15k (USD 200)
-|8|INSAT MSS-R (National Area)|Nil|Nil|0.15|0.005|0.01 +|8|INSAT MSS-R (National Area)|Nil|Nil |1,500k (USD 19,987)20k (USD 266)| 50k (USD 666)
-|9|ISP “A” (National Area)|Nil|Nil|0.15|0.005|0.05+|9|ISP “A” (National Area)|Nil| Nil |1,500k (USD 19,987)100k (USD 1,332)50k (USD 666)
-|10|ISP “B” (Telecom Circle/ Metro Area) |Nil|Nil|0.010|0.0015|0.005+|10|ISP “B” (Telecom Circle/ Metro Area) |Nil | Nil |100k (USD 1,332)10k (USD 133)15k (USD 200)
-|11|ISP “C” (SSA)|Nil|Nil|0.001|0.001|0.0005+|11|ISP “C” (SSA)|Nil | Nil | 10k (USD 133)1k (USD 13)10k (USD 133)
-|12|Resale of IPLC (National Area)|1.25|1.25|0.5|0.005|0.5+|12|Resale of IPLC (National Area)|12,500k (USD 1,66,555)12,500k (USD 1,66,555)| 5,000k (USD 66,622)1,000k (USD 13,324)50k (USD 666)
-|13|Access Services Category B (Districts)|-|0.05|0.0165|0.001|0.01|+|13|Access Services Category B (Districts)|-|500k (USD 6,662)165k (USD 2,199)20k (USD 266)10k (USD 133)|
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 +countryprofile.regName : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
 +countryprofile.regAcronym : TRAI
 +countryprofile.regUrl : https://trai.gov.in/
 +countryprofile.regTwitter : https://twitter.com/TRAI
 +countryprofile.regEmail : ap@trai.gov.in
 +countryprofile.minName : Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications
 +countryprofile.minAcronym : DoT
 +countryprofile.minUrl : http://dot.gov.in/
 +countryprofile.minTwitter : https://twitter.com/dot_India
 +countryprofile.minEmail : mosc-office@gov.in
 ---- ----