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country-profiles:ghana [2023/06/18 11:59] – CSV data imported stevecountry-profiles:ghana [2023/06/26 12:45] (current) – Removed code from previous template steve
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 ===== Resources / References ===== ===== Resources / References =====
-== Coding examples == 
-This could be used to frame specific questions that should be asked 
-<callout type="tip" icon="true">This could be for hints / tips / tricks on finding information, what to look for etc.</callout> 
-<callout type="question" icon="true">A question</callout> 
-<callout type="success" icon="true">A good practice example might look like this</callout> 
-<callout type="danger" icon="true">A bad practice to be aware of might look like this</callout> 
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----