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country-profiles:drc [2019/11/10 15:45] – corrected url for ARPTC and added contact email otd_wikicountry-profiles:drc [2023/06/18 11:59] (current) – CSV data imported steve
Line 216: Line 216:
 https://www.privacyshield.gov/article?id=Congo-Democratic-Republic-Establishing-an-Office https://www.privacyshield.gov/article?id=Congo-Democratic-Republic-Establishing-an-Office
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +countryprofile.regName : L’Autorité de régulation de la poste et des télécommunications du Congo
 +countryprofile.regAcronym : ARPTC
 +countryprofile.regUrl : https://www.arptc-rdc.com/
 +countryprofile.regTwitter : https://twitter.com/OfficielArptc
 +countryprofile.regEmail : info@arptc-rdc.com
 +countryprofile.minName : Societe Congolaise des Postes et Telecommunications
 +countryprofile.minAcronym : SCPT
 +countryprofile.minUrl : http://www.scpt.cd
 +countryprofile.minTwitter : https://twitter.com/SCPT_SA
 +countryprofile.minEmail : info@scpt.cd
 ---- ----