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country-profiles:colombia [2019/03/25 11:29] – added database entries to display otd_wikicountry-profiles:colombia [2023/06/18 11:59] (current) – CSV data imported steve
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Colombia ====== ====== Colombia ======
-^                ^ Name                                                 ^ URL                     ^ Contact ^ Twitter                      ^ 
-| **Regulator**  | {{$reg_profile.regName}} {{$reg_profile.regAcronym}} | {{$reg_profile.regUrl}} | {{$reg_profile.regEmail}}   | {{$reg_profile.regTwitter}}  | 
-| **Ministry**   | {{$reg_profile.minName}} {{$reg_profile.minAcronym}} | {{$reg_profile.minUrl}} | {{$reg_profile.minEmail}}   | {{$reg_profile.minTwitter}}  | 
 +Need to add spectrum authority to database https://www.ane.gov.co/   --- //[[steve@manypossibilities.net|Steve Song]] 2019/03/25 10:31//
 +===== National Policy =====
 Source: https://www.redesac.org.mx/regulacion Source: https://www.redesac.org.mx/regulacion
Line 21: Line 21:
 The Ministry of ICT may establish discounts on the consideration for the use of the radio spectrum in cases where the sole purpose is the development of social telecommunications programs or projects. The Ministry of ICT may establish discounts on the consideration for the use of the radio spectrum in cases where the sole purpose is the development of social telecommunications programs or projects.
 +===== Operator Licensing =====
 +==== Technical and Administrative Requirements ====
 +==== Libre Router homologation ====
 +Consultations about the homologation of the LibreRouter were conducted with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), the National Spectrum Agency (ANE) and the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC). It was determined that the entity in charge of homologation in Colombia is the CRC, to whom a consultation was sent regarding the need for homologation of the LibreRouter. After some exchanges in which the CRC requested more specific information on the equipment such as brand, model, manufacturer, technical specifications, block diagram, which were sent with the support of AlterMundi's team, a letter was received notifying that "the equipment of the brand LIBREROUTER, model LR1, manufactured by DRAGINO, is not currently required to complete the approval process before the CRC, in accordance with the provisions of CRC Resolutions 5162 of 2017 and 5300 of 2018. Consequently, the terminals associated with the aforementioned brand and model are not required to go through the process of obtaining the respective 'Certificate of Approval'". The complete CRC response letter is available at: 
 +This letter certifies that the LibreRouter is exempt from the homologation process in Colombian territory.
 +==== Licensing Fees ====
 +===== Access to Spectrum =====
 +==== Technical and Administrative Requirements ====
 +=== Licensed ===
 +== Access Networks ==
 +^ **Operator**  ^ **800MHz**  ^ **900MHz**  ^ **1800MHz**  ^ **2100MHz**  ^ **2600MHz**  ^ **3500MHz** ^ 
 +| XYZcom        | None        |  2x10        2x15        |  2x10        |  None        |  None       |
 +== PtP Networks ==
 +=== License-Exempt ===
 +== Access Networks ==
 +^ **Frequency**      ^ **Power Limit**  ^ **Transmit Power**  ^
 +| //2.4GHz//                         ||
 +| 2400 – 2483.5 MHz  | ''2.4EIRP''     ||
 +| //5GHz//                       ||
 +| 5150-5250 MHz      | ''5.1EIRP''     ||
 +| 5250-5350 MHz      | ''5.2EIRP''     ||
 +| 5470-5725 MHz      | ''5.4EIRP''     ||
 +| 5725-5800 MHz      | ''5.8EIRP''     ||
 +== PtP Networks ==
 +^ **Frequency**      ^ **Power Limit**  ^ **Transmit Power**  ^
 +| //2.4GHz//                         ||
 +| 2400 – 2483.5 MHz  | ''2.4EIRP''     ||
 +| //5GHz//                       ||
 +| 5150-5250 MHz      | ''5.1EIRP''     ||
 +| 5250-5350 MHz      | ''5.2EIRP''     ||
 +| 5470-5725 MHz      | ''5.4EIRP''     ||
 +| 5725-5800 MHz      | ''5.8EIRP''     ||
 +=== Secondary Use === 
 +== Access Networks ==
 +== PtP Networks ==
 +==== Spectrum Fees / Costs ====
 +=== Application ===
 +=== Annual ===
 +=== Auction ===
 +===== Backhaul ===== 
 +===== Gender =====
 +===== Universal Service =====
 +===== Cooperatives =====
 +===== Resources / References =====
 +== Coding examples ==
 +This could be used to frame specific questions that should be asked
 +<callout type="tip" icon="true">This could be for hints / tips / tricks on finding information, what to look for etc.</callout>
 +<callout type="question" icon="true">A question</callout>
 +<callout type="success" icon="true">A good practice example might look like this</callout>
 +<callout type="danger" icon="true">A bad practice to be aware of might look like this</callout>
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 +countryprofile.regName : Commission on the Regulation of Communications
 +countryprofile.regAcronym : CRC
 +countryprofile.regUrl : https://www.crcom.gov.co/
 +countryprofile.regTwitter : https://twitter.com/CRCCol
 +countryprofile.regEmail : atencioncliente@crcom.gov.co
 +countryprofile.minName : Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies
 +countryprofile.minAcronym : MinTIC
 +countryprofile.minUrl : https://www.mintic.gov.co
 +countryprofile.minTwitter : https://twitter.com/Ministerio_TIC
 +countryprofile.minEmail : minticresponde@mintic.gov.co
 ---- ----