====== Other (experimental) ====== ^ [[country-profiles:start|Country Profiles]] ^ * ^ [[good-practice:start|Good Practice]] ^ * ^ [[public-consultation:start|National Consultations]] ^ * ^ [[international-organisations:start|International Orgs]] ^ * ^ [[other:start|Other]] ^ We're working to expand the functionality of this policy and regulation wiki. This section contains links to experimental resources that may become more formalised within the wiki. **Spectrum Assignments** * [[imt-assignments|Global IMT Spectrum Assignments]] * [[imt-assignments-digitaldividend|Digital Dividend Spectrum Assignments]] * [[imt-assignments-mtn|MTN Spectrum Assignments Across African Countries]] **Mapping Cooperatives** * Experimental [[cooperative-map|Map of Telecommunications / Broadband Cooperatives]] Around the World * [[new-map | New map]] **A Community Networks Reading Syllabus** Experimental [[syllabus|syllabus]] of community network research and documentation.