====== Regulatory Profiles ====== This is a prototype of a site for profiling country policy and regulation related to community networks (and small scale operators) with regard to licensing, access to spectrum, universal service funds, and related issues. This is a [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/ | Dokuwiki]] site which natively handles multilingual content. In additional, Dokuwiki supports [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:struct | structured data]] allowing us to combined unstructured wiki information with specific structured information which will allow us to carry out comparative analysis of countries based on specific data elements. It also allows information to be imported or export in either CSV or JSON format. The Dokuwiki pages themselves are all plain text pages making it easy to export, transfer, or archive them. In addition the wiki format provides revision control which will also us to track the evolution and changes to these profiles. * [[country-profiles:argentina|Argentina]] * [[country-profiles:brazil|Brazil]] * [[country-profiles:cameroon|Cameroon]] * [[country-profiles:canada|Canada]] * [[country-profiles:colombia|Colombia]] * [[country-profiles:cote-divoire|Côte d'Ivoire]] * [[country-profiles:drc|DRC]] * [[country-profiles:ethiopia|Ethiopia]] * [[country-profiles:ghana|Ghana]] * [[country-profiles:kenya|Kenya]] * [[country-profiles:kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan]] * [[country-profiles:india|India]] * [[country-profiles:indonesia|Indonesia]] * [[country-profiles:liberia|Liberia]] * [[country-profiles:malawi|Malawi]] * [[country-profiles:malaysia|Malaysia]] * [[country-profiles:mexico|Mexico]] * [[country-profiles:myanmar|Myanmar]] * [[country-profiles:nigeria|Nigeria]] * [[country-profiles:philippines|Philippines]] * [[country-profiles:south-africa|South Africa]] * [[country-profiles:tanzania|Tanzania]] * [[country-profiles:thailand|Thailand]] * [[country-profiles:uganda|Uganda]] ---- * [[country-profiles:guide|Guide]]